Investment and asset risk management, along with liability modelling related to investment activity, is unique for insurers, underpinned as it is by stringent regulatory regimes, demanding portfolio risk policies, evolving reporting procedures, and analytical solutions. Here we provide insight and expert perspectives on how those responsible for asset risk management and liability modelling are meeting existing and emerging demands on their organisations
Jerome Jean Haegeli, Group Chief Economist, Swiss Re looks at the biggest risks facing global economies.
The US Congress is currently debating two important pieces of legislation for the nation’s infrastructure, which could also affect munis.
Anand Kwatra, Investment Risk Manager at Phoenix Group, shares the insurer's illiquids journey so far including the lessons learnt.
Patrick Saner, Head Macro Strategy at the Swiss Re Institute explores the main factors driving volatility including risk.
Keeping European insurers in the know about the latest developments affecting the insurance industry.
Jérôme Haegeli, Group Chief Economist at Swiss Re, explains why inflation is becoming likely and what that means for insurers.
Climate scenario analysis is rapidly emerging as an essential component of efforts to manage the risks around climate change.
Greg Davies, Head of Behavioural Finance at Oxford Risk, shares his top tips on how insurers can harness behavioural insights.
Rip Reeves, Chief Investment Officer, AEGIS Insurance Services explores how Covid-19 has changed attitudes towards ESG.
Christian Dahmen, CRO of Zurich-based NewRe, discusses managing during the COVID-19 crisis and where the Industry must head next.
Dr Victor Calanog, Head of Commercial Real Estate Economics, Moody’s, shares how investors should be thinking about real estate investments.