Investment and asset risk management, along with liability modelling related to investment activity, is unique for insurers, underpinned as it is by stringent regulatory regimes, demanding portfolio risk policies, evolving reporting procedures, and analytical solutions. Here we provide insight and expert perspectives on how those responsible for asset risk management and liability modelling are meeting existing and emerging demands on their organisations
Jérôme Haegeli, Group Chief Economist at Swiss Re, explores why there will be no return to economic normality anytime soon.
EY's Anthony Kirby looks at how insurance regulation is becoming more open-ended.
Jérôme Haegeli, Group Chief Economist at Swiss Re, explains why the incoming recession may be deepest seen in a lifetime.
The three biggest risks for insurance investors that ignore ESG.
Jérôme Haegeli, Group Chief Economist at Swiss Re, says 2020 could see the deepest recession on record and recovery will be protracted.
Eddy Verbiest, PhD, Assets & Liabilities Manager, compares the merits of various allocations when it comes to meeting insurance liabilities.
Mo Haghbin, Global Chief Operations Officer for Investment Solutions at Invesco explains how asset owners can access markets.
Maria Long, Operational Due Diligence Analyst at Man FRM, discusses how to integrate automation into FX risk management.
Mark Dowding, Chief Investment Officer, BlueBay Asset Management, diuscusses the economic responses to the spread of Covid 19.
Raman Srivastava, Chief Investment Officer, at Great-West Life, examines the current risks in financial markets.
Four Chief Investment Officers discuss how they are getting to grips with private markets and some of the core risks associated with unlisted assets.