Insurers’ investment strategies are constantly evolving in response to, as well as in anticipation of, market, economic, and own organisational changes. Here we provide insight and analysis into the views of market participants and influencers on the latest developments taking place globally and how they have impacted asset allocation, investment, and trading decision-making.

Showing 533 of 533 articles
How to avoid concentration risk in times of political uncertainty
  • Wednesday, Sep 11, 2019

Alan Sheppard, Head of Insurance Policy at the Bank of England examines how insurers can evaluate and manage risks.

Promoting a sustainable future – why the regulator is stepping up on climate change
  • Wednesday, Sep 11, 2019

Alan Sheppard from the Bank of England explains how the Prudential Regulatory Authority will encourage sustainable investment behaviour.

How can private capital solve economic issues
  • Wednesday, Sep 11, 2019

Jeffrey Franks, Director of the IMF Europe Office looks at how financial markets can help deal with geopolitical risks.

Why CIOs are shifting towards private markets investing
  • Wednesday, Aug 28, 2019

Three Chief Investment Officers give their views on how decreasing IPOs and a shift towards private markets is changing their investment strategies.

Should CIOs think differently about illiquid investing?
  • Wednesday, Aug 28, 2019

Three Chief Investment Officers examine how rising rates might impact liquidity constraints.

How insurers can use alternatives to generate yield in a low rate environment
  • Tuesday, Aug 13, 2019

David Rule, Executive Director for Insurance Supervision at the Bank of England explores the role alternative investments can play.

How to diversify portfolios successfully
  • Thursday, Aug 08, 2019

Daniel Blamont, Head of Investment Strategy at Phoenix Group, discusses the best strategies to diversify investment portfolios.

How insurers can find yield in a low interest rate environment
  • Thursday, Aug 08, 2019

Figures from Zurich and Gjensidige explain how they diversified investment risk to meet the challenges of a low yield economic environment.