Insurers’ investment strategies are constantly evolving in response to, as well as in anticipation of, market, economic, and own organisational changes. Here we provide insight and analysis into the views of market participants and influencers on the latest developments taking place globally and how they have impacted asset allocation, investment, and trading decision-making.
With ‘safe’ assets less reliable, and interest rates still rising, many insurance investment teams are looking to real estate as a safe haven.
Sir Howard Davies, Chair, NatWest Group, discusses his thoughts on what will affect growth as the UK ramps up for another general election.
Eric Cantor, former House Majority Leader and Managing Director at Moelis & Co., discusses the 2024 election and its potential impact.
As fears grow that interest rates may have to continue higher for longer, Royal London Asset Management assess the current market.
Worldwide exodus ramps up as more big names drop out of the Net Zero Insurance Alliance, but reasoning remains murky.
Stephanie Thomes, Senior Investment Consultant, Mercer, discusses how investment teams are navigating an uncertain risk cycle.
Prudent private credit investors are on the cusp of a potentially protracted era of supportive conditions thanks to a rare combination of factors.
Sean Egan, Chief Executive Officer, Egan-Jones Ratings, discusses diversification strategies for insurance linked securities (ILS) in 2023.
With private organisations holding the capital necessary to facilitate the UK’s net zero transition, PPPs could soon take centre stage.
Commissioner of the Utah Insurance Department, Jon Pike, discusses how to balance the investment needs of smaller and larger carriers.
Anti-ESG politician praised insurers' departure from net zero group despite organisations reiterating their environmental commitment.
Swiss Re becomes fourth member of NZIA to call it quits.
Fallout from LDI crisis could be motivator behind illiquid appetite amongst insurers – with opportunities due to supply and demand.
Eric Cantor, former House Majority Leader and Vice Chairman and Managing Director at Moelis & Company, discusses the upcoming election.
Solvency II capital changes means investors are gearing up for private-public partnerships, green projects, and attention to social infrastructure.