Investment and asset risk management, along with liability modelling related to investment activity, is unique for insurers, underpinned as it is by stringent regulatory regimes, demanding portfolio risk policies, evolving reporting procedures, and analytical solutions. Here we provide insight and expert perspectives on how those responsible for asset risk management and liability modelling are meeting existing and emerging demands on their organisations

Showing 55 of 169 articles
Renewable Energy: A viable investment space?
  • Friday, Jun 23, 2023

With the EU setting its 2050 Net-Zero target, will renewable energy investment be more appealing for insurers?

Understanding investment risk for asset owners
  • Thursday, Jun 22, 2023

Marc Mallet, from Northern Trust Corporation, explains what insurers need to know about asset management when it comes to data.

What are the data risks for investment operations?
  • Tuesday, Jun 13, 2023

Piero Falcucci, Chief Risk Officer & Chief Actuary, Triangle Life, gives his views on the operational complexities for insurers around data.

Is recent macro volatility aiding private credit's rise?
  • Thursday, Jun 08, 2023

With volatile macroeconomic conditions and underperforming public markets insurers are searching for stability and yield in private markets.

What is the appetite for Insurance Linked Securities in 2023?
  • Wednesday, Jun 07, 2023

Chantal Berendsen, Senior Analyst, Albourne Partners, discusses where the Insurance Linked Securities market is headed.

Can Public-Private Partnerships shed negative associations?
  • Wednesday, May 31, 2023

With private organisations holding the capital necessary to facilitate the UK’s net zero transition, PPPs could soon take centre stage.

Intentions behind NZIA departures questioned
  • Thursday, May 25, 2023

Anti-ESG politician praised insurers' departure from net zero group despite organisations reiterating their environmental commitment.

Insurance Linked Securities in 2023: Diversification and maturation
  • Thursday, May 18, 2023

A recent trend in Insurance Linked Securities makes them more interesting to investors, says Gordon Woo, Catastrophist, RMS.

Real estate turbulence in China to see potential resolution
  • Wednesday, May 03, 2023

The property and real estate sector in China is still experiencing turbulence, however, a brighter outlook and new opportunities lie ahead.

Inflation volatility batters UK and EU
  • Wednesday, Apr 19, 2023

With global markets impacted by recent bank failures, insurance investors are anticipating disinflation trends in H2 2023.

Insolvencies on the rise after pandemic
  • Tuesday, Apr 18, 2023

Insurance investment teams could find their choice of investment hampered by poor economic performance of economic sectors.