How to navigate volatile and challenging markets of alternative fixed income

What is the rationale to be in alternative fixed income and how should insurers prepare for a market turn/next market cycle.

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Clockwise from top left - Kansagra, Saner, Nijborg, and Chappell.

Earlier this year, Clear Path Analysis hosted the “Navigating volatile and challenging markets of alternative fixed income” webinar in conjunction with Aegon Asset Management, which now forms part of a new report on the rationale of whether to be in alternative fixed income at this current point in the market cycle.

In the webinar, the panellists were asked how should market participants prepare for a market turn or the next market cycle and where are the risk assets that are now back in favour.

The report features insights from Patrick Saner, Head of Macro Strategy at Swiss Re, Angel Kansagra, Head of ALM and Investment Solutions at Lloyd’s, Mike Chappell, [former] Head of Illiquid Assets Portfolio, Phoenix Group (now Head of Origination at Future Growth Capital), and George Nijborg, Head of Insured Strategies and EU Private Placements, at Aegon Asset Management, who discussed these issues and more.

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